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4 posts tagged with "coding"

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Automate your GitHub Pages deployment using Actions

· 3 min read


GitHub provides a free public static webpage hosting using the GitHub servers. It also provides a free domain by the name of You can automate the deployment using GitHub Actions easily. In this article, we will learn how to deploy the site build by a static site generator named Gatsby.

Create a fast static site in React using Gatsby

· 4 min read


The absence of middleman/database makes the static site much faster and reliable. They can be deployed using static servers like Netlify, Github, etc. So, they are much more secured and require very little maintenance. Gatsby is a React based open-source framework that can be used to create static sites.

Representing Matrix in C++

· 6 min read


Usually, we access elements of a 2D array, that is saved in a continuous memory like array[row*N+column]. Which is not as readable as array[row][column]. But a vector of vector has performance issues. This article shows an object-oriented way of representing a matrix as a C++ class without losing performance.

Animation using HTML5 and javascript

· 6 min read


The HTML5 canvas element is very helpful in drawing graphics on the fly. Using javascript we can create various animations without relying on the flash or heavy GIF files. Due to security reasons Flash support is decreasing and canvas support is increasing. This article shows how to create matrix style animation.