
Welcome to my page

I am a DeepLearning Scientist by profession, graphics and system developer by soul and RL enthusiast by heart.

I’m a Scientist who started as a Software Developer in Microsoft. I started programming from very young age. My early programs are in C++ for DOS and in VB6 for Windows 9x. My early projects on DOS includes my own graphics library for VESA SVGA, a ray-tracing engine, 'wav' music player with visualizations, GUI library and Checkers game with AI.

As I started doing mini-projects of my own from 2003, I’ve worked on many languages and technologies. I’ve a professional experience in C++, Python, C#, Java and Javascript. However, I’ve also worked in C, Kotlin, Basic, Assembly(x86), Matlab and ActionScript for some of my own projects. Computer graphics and AI are my favorite fields. Sometimes, I code on hackerrank and projecteuler.

Apart from computers and maths my hobbies are drawing, cycling, reading, gaming and watching IMDB top rated movies, TV shows and anime. I enjoy music of almost all the genres. Apart from that, I’m interested in painting, playing music and learning new things.

This site is created using Gatsby in node-js and deployed using github actions. Check my github repositories for more details.

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This website built with:

  • Javascript
  • reactjs
  • Gatsby
  • Styled Components
  • Markdown
  • GitHub-Pages

©2023 - Rahul Sharma

Last build on 2023-12-18 10:29:30 UTC